Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, sees AI development in a phase of exponential growth.
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang predicts AI development will speed up dramatically in the near future. In a conversation with Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Huang said progress in artificial intelligence is far outpacing Moore's Law.
"We're at a stage now, we're in an era now where we're moving way faster than Moore's law," Huang said. While Moore's Law forecasts computing power doubling every 18 to 24 months, Huang believes AI is advancing much more quickly. "Arguably, easily Moore's law squared."
"Moore's law for example over the course of a decade would be about 100x. We are probably advancing at somewhere near 100,000x," the Nvidia CEO explained. Huang points to several factors driving this massive acceleration: "At every single layer, computers went from CPUs to GPUs, from human-engineered software to machine learning software. And now this feedback loop allows us to create new AIs, and these new AIs are helping us create new computer systems, and these new computer systems are advancing at such incredible rates which allows us to create even better AI."
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"An industry of skills"
This feedback loop is turbocharging progress, according to Huang: "That feedback, that flywheel is really flying now." He expects AI agent development to be "spectacular and surprising" in the next year or two.
Huang views this as a pivotal moment for the tech industry. "For the very first time this is going to be an industry of skills," he said. In the future, AI agents will be able to understand tasks, use tools, and communicate with each other.
Huang is convinced the current phase of AI development will have far-reaching effects: "We're going to bring a level of automation capability that the world's never seen." That's a promising outlook for Nvidia, which remains the primary supplier of hardware driving this transformation.